When I was younger, I fooled around with a few girlfriends of mine. We had all kinds of fun, and tried all kinds of kinky things. I was more experimental with them than with my boyfriends I had in the near future. Licking one another’s pussies, using double dildos, mutual masturbation, there was all kinds of fun to be had. Sleepovers were particularly fun. None of our parents had any idea the sorts of things that were going on behind closed doors. They’d never have allowed the sleepovers if they knew.
One friend I had that had discovered masturbation before me asked if I’d tried it yet and I said no and she wanted to show me how so she asked if she could touch me to show me, and I said sure. I’ll never forget how her fingers felt on my untouched pussy and how she went right for my clit and I was soon getting wet with excitement and how good it felt once I did. My mom sold sex toys at the time, like those parties like they have for Tupperware, only for sex toys. When she’d get these sample kits sent for the parties, sometimes I’d take a couple that were for the display. She never seemed to notice.
I was a naughty girl with my friends and the stolen sex toys. I first was penetrated by a dildo and showed my friends as well and they would try it as well. Once I had a real cock in me, it was almost a disappointment in comparison to the dildo. I spent plenty of time masturbating and playing with my girlfriends. We’d often have contests to see who could cum more times in a short amount of time. I usually won. I could cum very easily. Oh, the sweet memories of youth.