Starbucks Coffee and Mask Fetish

Sometimes callers are just so bizarre with their fantasies, you just have to shake your head. One such caller that has been making the rounds and calling many ladies is really into Starbucks coffee and wearing masks, like most were forced to do during the “pandemic.” Now what on earth he went on about before masks, I can’t imagine. He has a thing for coffee breath, and of course if one had coffee breath and then put on a mask, they’d be re breathing that same coffee breath over and over and this is what gets him going. Imagine.

So he likes to start by questioning what type of coffee you drink, regular, dark, black or with cream. Then asks how you felt about wearing masks, and what did your breath smell like when you were wearing the masks. Might it be worse coffee breath than if you’d been eating onions or garlic and were re breathing that air? It’s a call unlike any of the others most of us have had. Even vets that have been doing this for decades. Then he likes to mention other women, some celebrities. What type of coffee would we suppose they drink? What might their coffee breath be like? It’s beyond insane, yet oddly comical at the same time. Some calls just have to be heard to be believed they are really talking about such things. It can be surreal.

I somehow doubt he was wearing masks before 2020, so one wonders what might his kink have been before then. Seeing women in masks really must have done a number on his mind. Maybe he had a coworker or something that mentioned their own coffee breath while wearing a mask and this fetish was born. No one will ever know. In the nearly twenty years I’ve been doing calls, he stands out in one of the weirdest calls of all time. Maybe the top five, so that’s saying something!

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