Last A Little Longer


What is something most men want more of, and their women want them to have more of? Stamina, of course. I have become convinced from talking to so many men over the last number of years that the reason most men are premature ejaculators is because they grew up masturbating and hurrying so they wouldn’t get caught, and this constant hurrying has led them to this bad habit of ejaculating prematurely, even when privacy is no longer an issue when they are grown up and gone away from prying eyes.

There is so much bad parenting out there, much of it tainted by religion, that has so badly fucked people up in many areas, sexuality being one of the most significant ones it has ruined for them. I’m not suggesting parents give their children masturbation lessons, but if someone was risen with the knowledge that it was normal, natural and to be enjoyed and not rushed, just to be indulged in  private, there would be a lot less premature ejaculation issues out there. Of course the majority of parents wish to make their children feel ashamed.

75% of men cum within 3 minutes of intercourse, how disappointing for their women. If they’d been raised to know it was good to take your time and enjoy yourself, and when you’re older and going to be sharing that sexual part of yourself with another person, you can make it more enjoyable for them as well. It amazes me how ones want for their children to do well in school and get good jobs, but make no attempts to make sure their children will do well in more intimate areas that will affect their happiness in their relationships.

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The fantasy of the well hung black lover is a common one, especially for men to have about their women. Cuckold has long been one of the more popular fantasies, and of course just because a man wants to see his lady fucked by another guy doesn’t mean the other guy has to be black, but the idea that most black men have got a bigger cock seems so ingrained in the minds of these men, it’s a natural progression for these fantasies to take.

So many of men with smaller than average cocks think of their wives or girlfriends being satisfied by another man is going to be the most arousing thing they can imagine, both for themselves watching and for their women participating. Many black men do have larger than the average white man sized penises, and that makes them excited to think of a huge, hung black guy giving it to their lady with a dick three times the size of theirs.

Many black males are also more dominant than a lot of white males as well, and many women seek a more dominant sexual partner, so they think a black lover will please their woman a lot better than they ever can, which very well may be true. One man I used to talk to had visions of his woman getting fucked by a group of large black men as he stroked his little three inch dick and he watched from a few feet away. Such a common fantasy of so many men.

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Is Having A Tighter Pussy Only A Fantasy?


Is the idea of a tight, really tight pussy just a fantasy? Well let’s hope not! The vagina IS a muscle, and muscles can be exercised and toned. The idea of creating a tighter pussy has been around for centuries. This is mainly a concern for women who have given birth vaginally, but seeing as most women do, hence the widespread desire for exercises and devices that can make this a reality.

Ben wa balls have been around for ages, starting off with the larger ones and decreasing in the downwardly graduated sizes to work those internal muscles and have them as toned as they possibly can be. I can’t imagine this since I have had no kids, but I can well imagine how after squeezing something the size of a watermelon out something the size of a lemon, that things are a little, or a lot, looser than before you had this baby. Some seem to snap back to pre baby levels and brag about it.

One lady I know brags about how she’s “as tight as a 16 year old”, her boyfriend was the one that said this little gem of a line, even though she’s in her 60’s and has had one child. She had been told all along she’d likely need a C section since her vaginal canal was smaller than average, but she did give birth vaginally and soon snapped back to her former tightness, so sadly everyone isn’t that tight, but for ones that are not, they can do kegal exercises and I know there are devices used to increase tightness, not unlike the one parodied in the video here. And if you’ve really been stretched beyond any exercises, there is always vaginal reguvenation surgury as a last resort.

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Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better


A man recently told me about a fantasy of his where he was going to best his opponent in a boxing match-by fucking the opponents wife the night before the match. Now apparently I guess most sports coaches tell their players to avoid sex for the night before or even weeks to avoid sapping their strength. The night before I can understand, but more is just ridiculous.

So he figured even though this would take away his physical edge, the mental emotional one his opponent would lose would be greater and he’d win the fight and have gotten to sleep with the opponents wife. Interesting concept to be sure. Men always want to get one over on their peers and competition, and what better way than to sleep with the competitions woman and play mind games with them? Some guys might get so jealous though that they’d go after them in a rage, the whole thing is fairly bizarre really, I never heard of a fantasy like it before.

Men are competitive by nature, the leader of the pack, the alpha male that strives to best the other males, the weaker following ones that are too weak to be alpha male themselves. What better way to say “I’m the boss!” than by taking their woman and making her and marking her as your territory? Men that love to spray their cum all over a woman, that’s so a territory marking behavior, like a dog urinating on a lamp post. What’s next, peeing all in a circle around your property? Silly men….women are so above these sorts of behaviors.

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Dirty Little Secret


So many of us have secrets, but some of the things I hear on the phone never cease to amaze me, especially ones who keep these things from their wives or girlfriends. A man called today and was telling me about this secret of his, he’s seeing another guy and feels guilty about it since he’s married. I assumed it was something new, so I asked how long has this been going on for. Five years! Five! I was a bit surprised.

I said well, if it’s been going on this long and everyone is being monogamous, why end it, enjoy it. You’re obviously not getting what you need from wifey, so keep on seeing your boyfriend. I feel badly for some of these guys, I really do, but this living in the prisons of their own making bit gets a bit frustrating. They won’t leave. It’s like you let the cage door open for the canary and they won’t fly out. It’s been too long in lockdown, they are paralyzed in fear to do anything, like a deer in the headlights.

I know several callers that have guy friends on the side and their wives are totally clueless about the entire matter. People many times have a desire to have something on the side that’s just for them, and especially if their partner is cold and unaffectionate, I don’t blame them at all. I do think monogamy is not the natural state of being. For some I guess they want that, but others will always have the wandering eye and need more than one can give, even if just for the sake of variety. Some say they get adequate amounts of sex from a partner, they just want more variety. Just the way it is….

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