You’re A Real Doll!


Real life romance hasn’t worked out for everyone. Yet not everyone is looking to rent and hire an escort due to diseases or if someone they knew found out, it’s a real issue for some. There is an option out there for the brave and the determined and the ones willing to invest a little. There are now sex dolls out there that are not the $100 cheap, blow up dolls that were once a gag prop at parties.

There are sex dolls out there so real looking and that cost thousands of dollars. I can’t imagine making such a purchase, but for ones that are looking for a simulated experience it may be just what they are looking for. Yes, you could likely have many nights with a real escort for the price of one of the dolls, but you can take the doll out and fuck it at any time, no appointment, or condom, needed. For ones with a very intense fantasy life that are able to imagine well and easily, perhaps a sex doll might fit in well with their rich fantasy fueled thoughts.

I even found online there were child sized dolls and some were in an uproar over that. Honestly, I thought it was a good idea when I saw it if they’d turn to a doll than the real child if this is where their fantasies lie. It could in fact prevent actual children from abuse was my first thought. Most of the people were outraged though and wanted production of the dolls stopped. They don’t talk to the men I do and hear all I do and realize the dolls are a good idea to prevent actual crimes. Dolls could be an alternative for many reasons.

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