I Could Just Eat You Up!


I only have one caller into vore, and it’s bizarre to say the least. He talks about mommy spit roasting him and eating the meat off his bones. He actually has elaborate fantasies of a club for parents that the price of admission is their children, where they all go to the club and a vote is cast to see which one of the guests children will be the feast for the evening. They don’t know that their child will be chosen when they go for the evening, but there’s a chance. And they are taking it, since well, children are apparently just so yummy, especially basted with red wine sauce, they just can’t miss the chance, even if that means beloved little junior might be it.

The characters in his fantasy are all well developed, so he’s had this for years. How they don’t get caught from consuming all these kids I can’t imagine, that’s never mentioned, only the bones remain after such a feast, every bit of tissue is eaten off. Sometimes they are consumed alive, one limb at a time, other times the elaborate spit roast in front of a crowd of dozens of people all happy to see their dinner prepared in front of them. His fantasies also involve mommy son incest as well, the poor dinner subject usually loses it to mommy first, talk about a virgin sacrifice!

The dinner subject likes losing it to mommy, it’s the highlight of their young lives, little do they know that their lives are about to end shortly after they and mommy cum. It’s an interesting fantasy to be sure, mommy eating her own young, not an unheard of situation in nature, hamsters, rats, both have been known to eat their own young, seems so grisly really, but in his fantasies the kids are teens, people you will have loved and known and cared for for a good long time, only to sacrifice them for the ultimate meal. Very bizarre.

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