People have fantasized since the beginning of time, and as certain people got more fame and recognition, others looked up to them, and had thoughts about them. Celebrity takes many forms, ones can be famous, but not a movie star, like politicians or notorious criminals, ha ha, some might say those are in the same group! When someone is in the public eye in some way it brings them into the lives of people they otherwise would never meet, or cross paths with.
I have heard fantasies so bizarre, you cannot even imagine. Everything from a man that named his Fleshlights after the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond, to movie stars of decades gone by that weren’t even that popular to begin with. There is a fan base out there for everyone, no matter how obscure, I am convinced of it. No, you can’t be the apple of everyone’s eye, but someone, somewhere will be thinking of you as they masturbate. The internet has made stars of everyday people that we’d otherwise never even know about, but they have created their own blog, or videos that went viral and all of a sudden they are a star of sorts, they have followers and legions of fans and haters as well.
Does it make us feel all warm and fuzzy knowing somewhere someone is jerking off thinking about us, no matter how gross they may be? In one way it’s flattering, but in another, it’s like, ewwwww, I don’t want THEM thinking about me that way! Other people’s thoughts and what they think of us is not our business. I read that years ago and it still holds true.