As I have said before, nearly half of all callers to phone sex lines want to suck cock. Some don’t feel guilty about such desires, others are wracked with guilt and shame at having such thoughts they were no doubt raised to believe were bad and deviant, either due to religion, or strict parenting, or a myriad of other reasons.
One just tonight I talked to that’s called several times over the last few years, he has me watch gay porn with him as we talk, he likes us to be watching the same clip at the same time and talking about the action in the film and how much he loves it, yet wishes he doesn’t, how he wishes he could get this out of him. He likes ladies, but can’t shake the desire for cock, and every few months the desire is too strong and he goes to a gay club looking for action to satisfy himself with. The porn suffices in between the club visits, but it’s a real internal struggle for him and he feels real guilt over it.
So many are in this situation, they tried it years ago and they think about it decades later it left such an impression on them and they want to relive it, but many stop themselves because they are married and don’t wish to maybe get caught, found out, exposed etc. Or else they just can’t mentally deal with it. It’s sad to see the lives of torment some of these guys are living, and for no real good reason, they just can’t seem to accept themselves. I try and tell them it’s ok, and to comfort them as best I can, but it’s too ingrained in them this is wrong. Just cock suck in peace I say, but many can’t just let things be.