Don’t Worry, Be Happy…


Many of us worry about our sexual fantasies. We think they are too odd or extreme and would never reveal them to other people lest they think less of us. I laughed when I read of a 19th century Dr. who had published papers not only warning people of the ills of masturbation, but that the “visions that come with it could well drive you insane.” The “visions” of course being the fantasies.

Most have fantasies that will never be acted out or realized, so there’s no real harm in entertaining them. Many that have suffered from the traumas of childhood sexual abuse can have more intense and extreme fantasies and often worry about the things they think of since it can often be a mixture of the abuse they suffered. People often want to take a painful situation and try to turn it pleasurable and often fantasizing about past tormentors can take some unsettling turns in our mind and cause confusing thoughts that we can’t make sense of. In many cases seeking professional help may make the most sense if it’s something that is bothering us to a degree we can no longer tolerate.

People are often horrified at the disturbing nature of their own thoughts and fear they may one day act upon them, which is usually not the case at all, yet a common fear for many. The mind is a dark and mysterious place that can prove troubling when thoughts are produced we don’t full understand. Talking to someone can help if you are having odd fantasies you are worried about.

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