Fill Me With That Baby Batter

More and more men seem to be coming forward with their fantasy of impregnation. I seem to be running into more and more clients with this fantasy and also personal phone partners and others on various adult social networks I visit. I don’t know why it is coming more into the forefront. I think it is some sort of backlash to the AIDS and condoms culture of the last 30 years. They are in a way openly declaring they want bare, they want unprotected, they want the sex that feels the best, which is bare and natural and unprotected. 
If ones are in a committed relationship and the woman is either on the birth control pill or has an IUD in, bare sex is an option. Some guys that are openly into the impregnation thing can actually be fairly sensual in their description of it. I have done recordings for one client in particular who has written many of these fantasies for me to record, and they are actually quite lovingly worded and very romantic in ways, I always like doing recordings for him, since they are kind of lovey dovey, which I gravitate towards in the first place. 
The idea of a woman being fertile and willing to take part of him inside of her and allowing it to flourish and grow and be carrying around part of him inside of her. The intimacy of it, there is the element of love in some of these men’s fantasies, since most don’t want to impregnate a woman they don’t love.

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