I’m So Sexy I Even Turn Myself On!

In doing research online for these blogs, I read something that shocked me a bit. We always think we are the only one that ever thinks of something odd, but rest assured, we are not. If you can think of it, chances are good many others have as well.

I read about someone that fantasized about themselves. Seems like the ultimate fantasy for a true narcissists, which more than a few have accused me of being. The post I was reading about was about celebrities, and how they were the objects of fantasy for so many, and since they were so focused on, did they ever perhaps focus on themselves? Could someone actually be so taken with themselves they actually thought of themselves in a fantasy way, that they would think of making love to themselves? And I don’t mean masturbation.

I have had those thoughts several times over the years, I always thought it was odd…..apparently others have also been having such thoughts as well though. Yes, there’s masturbating with mirrors and video taping yourself and watching, but that’s not the same.

I mean literally imagining making love to yourself, as if you were an identical twin or something, another body that looked the same as yours. Not sure if that’s a good analogy or not, but it’s the closest I can come to describing what I mean! It’s kind of an odd concept to grasp for some, but when I read it, I knew exactly what they meant, since I have had those thoughts myself a number of times.

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