What is it about a grown man wanting to breastfeed? Many do, the appeal of nursing on a woman is a wide one for lots of men. Not all are seeking mommy in doing so, some are for sure, but not all. It seems to be the intimate act, the sharing of nourishment. Countless men have an obsession with breasts, but not all into breasts are into the breast milk fetish.
I’ve had several men tell me when their wives were nursing they also wanted to partake in the flow of milk from their wives breasts. Not all of their wives were gung ho on this, they saw the breast milk as only being for the child and they didn’t see the need to incorporate it into sex with their partners. There’s no harm in it, I can think it would be a nice thing to share with your partner if that was something that would give them happiness and make them feel more loved and nurtured. Breasts, especially if large ones, have a comforting effect. Ones resting their heads on them being held and cradled.
Some men do go down the mommy road when they have breast milk fantasies, the being nursed by mommy and fucked by mommy is highly arousing to many. Suckling at her breast, her little boy she loves so much and is now arousing by letting them nurse even though they are in their teens or an adult still giving so much of herself to them. Lactating women aren’t easy to find for men to date. Most that would be lactating would either be married or in a relationship if they’d just given birth, so not many single guys with a breast milk fetish are likely to find a woman to nurse from. They can always search I guess for one looking to fool around on the side.