Trailer Park Trash


There was a very strange man I talked to last night that had what I can only hope were odd fantasies and not reality. It was all so bizarre, surely it couldn’t have been based in reality as he claimed it was. This man had this odd soap opera like tale of being raised in a trailer park and used by the men that lived in most of the trailers. From the time he was a pre teen. And he liked it very much. The countless men that came and went in this trailer park sodom and gomorrah he described.

Then he went on that some of them were going to lose their trailers and wouldn’t you know it, he was then left 2 briefcases of money by his grandmother, that by co incidence had just died, so as a pre teen he bought 12 trailers for these men to live in and continue to use him in. It was so insane I was having a hard time not laughing at this absurd tale and wondering how he concocted all of this. I don’t know if these dudes are on drugs or what half the time.

He went on about the orgies of groups of the trailer park residents and when he brought dogs into the equation, that was my cue to get out, I wouldn’t listen to that part of his nonsense, so the call was ended at that time. The level of fantasy some men have never ceases to amaze me, I feel downright boring in comparison to many of them with their complex and involved stories they make up in their minds.

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