Bitch Fight

girls wrestling

Women wrestling and fighting is very arousing to some callers. They can have elaborate fantasies about either their girlfriends or wives getting into tussles with other women as they watch. One calls and has me discuss lengthy scenarios about his wife and the other ladies from their neighborhood that are in constant competition with one another, and their other girlfriends and the ex girlfriends of their husbands.

Comparisons to cars, breast size, husbands dick size, everything is a game of one upsmanship with this group of women he likes to talk about when he calls up. It’s odd to hear a grown man talk about woman getting down and dirty and pulling hair, he even loves hearing me make cat fight sounds, I feel ridiculous making them, but he moans with pleasure when I do! Harmless enough, and silly really, but there’s worse kinds of fantasies that men could have I guess. I guess as some women would like to see two men fighting over them and vying for their affections, so too would some men enjoy seeing women fight over them, or just fighting each other for the sake of fighting.

I recall one mentioning how he wanted to see two women in a wrestling match and how they were going to try and stick their tongues into each others bikini bottoms they were wearing for the fight. That would be quite the spectacle to be sure!Wrestling combined with girl on girl cunnilingus, now that sport I can see guys lining up to pay for and see!

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