Some men assume by the mere fact that a woman is a phone sex operator that she is a whore or a hooker. She is after all offering sexual services for money, right? Is that not by definition a whore? Whether or not there’s actual physical contact involved. I cannot even count the number of callers that have asked either how much to do this for real, or have you sold yourself for money in the past? Countless.
They seem to feel they are synonymous, that how could it be that far removed? Many just do not get it, that it’s phone only and that’s it. Now that’s for me anyway. I have heard of girls doing hooking on the side and/or meeting clients, so I guess the few that do that give the clients the idea that we all do that. To most girls in the business of phone sex, that’s simply not on the table, but for a few it’s just an extension of what they offer, many are escorts and or strippers or even former porn stars, but why guys would think we all are, I cannot imagine.
One place I used to take calls from, this man called and stated matter of factly he knew I was a porn star. I am??? Gee, news to me! He said that’s what the commercial said on t.v. to which I laughed and said, um, don’t believe everything you see on t.v. Guys can be so silly in their erroneous beliefs and misconceptions they have. We are not all porn stars and masturbation addicts. We are here to entertain you, and in 99% of cases that is it, nothing more.