Now there’s nothing wrong or even strange about liking a plus sized gal-to a degree, but when does plus sized become freakishly large? I talked to a man tonight that wasn’t just into big women, he was into like so big they are bed bound mounds of flesh, as in 500 lbs + sized. People that big can’t really even move around, once you’re past 350 lbs, life gets a bit difficult, but over 500 lbs? Wow.
He said how he wanted to be smothered by mounds of flesh, I think he’d be dead in under a minute if a woman that big face sat on him. Cumming all over her ample tummy and sliding his cock between her enormous breasts. I don’t see how a person of that size could even have sex, they’d be rolling around barely able to move, let alone take an active role in lovemaking activities. He wasn’t into the feeder fetish, as some men into large women are, he just wanted to squish all her flesh and get lost in it, which I bet someone genuinely would at that size.
I am not sure what leads one to desire someone that incredibly large that are not even mobile, yet obviously some are into it. Many times you see these housebound people where they have to cut out a section of their wall to get them out for medical intervention, they are married. Though most times I am betting they did not start out their married life at the size they are when they are having forklifts remove them from their home. I am convinced no matter someone’s infirmity, somewhere there will be someone that finds them appealing and attractive in some way, regardless of the severity, it’s just the way the world is.