How many men out there are desiring their sister in law? Quite a few, I can tell you. I get calls all the time from men that have had the long term hots for their wives sister.
They realize that this could be a very dangerous choice to try and have an affair with though. Not only would it endanger their relationship with their wife, but the wife and sisters relationship with each other.
It’s bad enough to have a partner cheat on you, but with your own sister? You would feel betrayed by two people instead of just one.
One man I talked to was so filled with desire for his sister in law after 30 years, he could barely not say her name to his wife when they made love each time. I told him he’d better watch that, as it could proved beyond troublesome.
Another guy had wanted his sister in law for 10 years, and she and her husband lived across the street from him and his wife, and I said if he did anything, it would affect 2 marriages, and make living in such close proximity to each other torture, and destroy the relationship his wife had with her sister, yet he was so desirous of her and wondered if she might feel the same way towards him, it was quite a hot conversation actually, him sharing all these long standing feelings for her that he had and had never been able to share with anyone.
The fantasy of having one that is basically forbidden like this is very common, the same would be true for women that wanted their sisters husband, it could be so much worse than an affair with a stranger. Many siblings relationships have been destroyed by this type of situation.