Now if one gets caught doing something they shouldn’t in public, you could always pretend the other person didn’t really see what they think they did. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to masturbate while standing over one of these water jets they have in some parks in the summer and masturbate like how you masturbate in the shower with the shower massager with the water aiming right at your clit. Even over a swimsuit, you’d likely be able to cum. I don’t think if you were standing still like that though you’d be able to get away with it. Someone would know what you were up to.
If the water is aimed right at your crotch, you aren’t moving, and maybe standing there with stiff legs and a look of ecstasy on your face, they’d have to be pretty dumb not to get the picture, even if you didn’t have your hands anywhere near your crotch and you were not naked. The stance alone would be a giveaway as to what you were doing. Some perv on a park bench might be watching you. Maybe if those jets went off in the middle of the night and no one was around, but they likely turn them off to discourage the homeless from bathing there or something.
Weird thoughts like these run through a woman’s mind. Water induced orgasms can be powerful, most have likely at one time or another used the pool jets on the side of a pool or on the edge of a hot tub to quickly achieve orgasm, so when you see such powerful jets as these, I don’t know how a woman’s mind wouldn’t go there, maybe I’m just a bit more pervy than most to have such naughty thoughts. Maybe some wicked ladies have masturbated in such parks before and I just am unaware of it, you never know.