Some fetishes are quite odd, things you could really never imagine anyone getting turned on by, but there are ones into bizarre, yet harmless fetishes. Sneezing and nose blowing fetish are two such fetishes. Ones into such fetishes surely know no one can sneeze on demand, yet they expect you to sneeze every few moments on the call and continually ask you if your nose is itching, or tickling. He started out the call by asking what my nose looked like. No one has ever asked that before. I assumed he had a preference for a certain type of nose shape, but then it soon became clear that it wasn’t the shape of the nose he really cared about, but that it was the focus of the sneezing fixation he had.
Then the requests for the nose blowing came. Now even if your nose is pretty empty and not needing a blowing, you can always blow it and it will make that blowing sound. Not as loud as if you had a full nose, but you know the sound if you hear it of a nose being blown. So I blew my nose several times on the call, even though it was empty. Many dozens of fake, loud sneezes later, after we discussed all possible reasons one could be made to sneeze, from pepper, to cat hair, to dust, to pollen, he wanted me allergic to anything and everything that would illicit a sneeze. It was quite ridiculous.
What turns one on about a non sexual thing such as sneezing and nose blowing is anyone’s guess. It’s harmless, not too gross, it’s just weird, but many are into weird fetishes, what’s one more. He was a lot of work, the call was repetitious as hell and I blocked him so I don’t have to deal with his silliness again, but hey, if watching women sneeze gets you going, by all means, go for it.