How Do They Sound?

One caller is quite obsessed with how other men I talk to sound when they are in the throes of orgasm and he wants me to mimic their sex sounds. It’s quite comical to be moaning and grunting away trying to imitate callers to another caller. He wants to know how the good ones sound, the gross ones, the ones that sound as if they are being murdered when they make their murderous roars that are frightening to listen to. He really likes all kinds of sex sounds, but the fact he wants to know what other men sound like is a bit odd. He’s shown no inclination to be interested in other men or sex with them, but he wants to know how they sound as I speak to them as they masturbate.

There are as many different sounds out there as one could imagine. A very few sound good, others are scary, many are dead quiet. Many are quite unpleasant to listen to and I wonder if any women they’ve actually had sex with have been turned off by their sounds and how to deal with that. If you liked someone and were attracted to them, only to go to bed with them and find out they either sound like Darth Vadar or a screeching monkey. I’ve heard both types, there’s no shortage of either.

What do you do? Get used to it or ditch them, those are basically your choices. Ones would be quite insulted if you told them their sex noises were a total turn off and they need to change them or it’s over for good. People are going to sound like they sound, so there’s not really any making them try to sound different and be something they aren’t. Maybe there’s women out there that get off on a guy that breathes like Darth Vadar or screeches like a monkey. One can only hope for their sake, there is.

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