A caller had a bit of an unusual fantasy, he had always been quite taken with the t.v. show I Dream of Jeannie and her being a genie in a bottle. His fantasy was to be shrunken and placed in the bottle that she came out of. A different take on giantess and shrunken man fantasies that some have. Now her bottle had always been very luxurious and comfortable, and he seemed to want be a part of that. There didn’t seem to be much sex in the fantasy, he just wanted to get in that bottle and live there.
Many times men with giantess fantasies or where they are shrunken men I find do not have sex in the fantasies, just the idea of them being very small, sometimes carried around in purses or in the bra of the woman they are with, usually the one that shrunk them down in the first place. It’s an unusual fantasy and not one you get calls about frequently, but they are out there.
When he mentioned that t.v. show, I thought he was going to say he wanted to have sex with the genie, which would be a normal way to go, but when he said the bottle was where he wanted to get into and not the woman, well, you just never know what to expect from some of these callers, people have fantasies going back literally decades that have taken root and they fantasize about all these things as they are masturbating, even being placed in the bottle of a t.v. genie from the 1960’s.