Behold the Erotic Blueberry

It’s never long before you hear something you never have before in this business. The other day a man called and for a half hour talked about his biggest fantasy. Turning into a blueberry like in the Willy Wonka movie scene. This man called wearing women’s clothes and said he’d only ever told one platonic friend about this fantasy, since he knew it was odd and likely wouldn’t go over that well with any girlfriend’s he’d had. He said he wanted to be a woman, so I took the transformative aspect of the scene from girl to blueberry to man to woman he was fantasizing about.

After the call, I watched the scene on Youtube. I’d recalled as a child oddly that very scene, since my family thought I’d enjoy the movie and put it on for me to watch on t.v., and when that exact scene played, I got very upset and started to cry and yelled for them to turn her back, lol. Little kids get upset at the silliest things, but the fact that decades later someone mentioned that very scene as somehow aroused left me speechless. He said he’d watched that scene as he masturbated before. He said the only thing that could improve it would be if it wasn’t a girl, but a woman in her fifties in the scene. Very odd indeed.

It’s an odd thing to be aroused by, but there are so many odd things callers are aroused by, it’s anyone’s guess. Some are very affected by scenes in movies for some reason, there’s no rhyme or reason to which scenes or which movies. There’s just something at that particular moment that affects them deeply that would seem totally non sexual to anyone else seeing it. They do stand out when you hear of such unusual scenes though.

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I’ve Waited Just for You!

One thing that’s always amused me about some callers is they will say they haven’t masturbated since our last call, even though it may have been weeks before. This is fairly common you hear this, for me in any case. They will say I looked for you yesterday, but you weren’t available, so I waited until you were. Why are you waiting if you want to have an orgasm? Oh it’s so much better with you, so I waited. It’s comical really, yet I hear it every few days. They enjoy phone sex so much that they’d rather delay their masturbation and wait for you than proceed alone.

Some of course will just call another girl, lots of guys call several women, and certainly not just have one operator they use, but a few do seem to find one gal they like and stick with them, even if it means waiting for them to become available for a call. One man only calls every few weeks and I always ask him if he’s cum since our last call. Nope, I wait for you, and I was out of town, been busy, so I just waited until I got back home and could contact you from home.

It’s odd, yet common. I guess people get into their little routines and they are happy to stick to them and don’t care for much variation otherwise. Some are just that way, they do not require a great deal of variety and prefer to stick with what they know and what they are comfortable with, even if it means delayed gratification. Hey, I’m flattered you felt you’d rather wait than go it alone or call someone else. It does make me feel appreciated in some small way. I’ll always return eventually, so just wait and I’ll make that orgasm a blockbuster for you.

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So many callers ask about pegging, or say they’ve had girlfriends in the past peg them and they loved it. Many women would not be open to this sort of interaction, so many guys just resort to toys to satisfy their needs for this sort of penetration. Others of course say they’ve fucked other men. It’s surprising when ones mention wanting to be pegged, they don’t seem to realize a lot of women would not be open to doing it. They seem surprised, thinking many women would be willingly doing it. Some know their wives well enough they know it would be a no go, but some are clueless.

Lots have got toys that call, or some are even using their fingers, yuck. The number of men that seem to want others to play proctologist with them is disturbing. I guess some women are ok with all of this, and the more power to them, they would be in high demand among the many ass obsessed men out there that want to play. Some have the suction cup base toys you can stick to a wall or table top and ride it so their hands are free to masturbate with.

Many however do want the lady in the harness and the big strap on dildo. Some of them mention fairly large ones they use wither on themselves or have others use on them. One can only imagine the anal leakage that will accompany them in their elder years after such repeated stretchings. They will swear up and down it doesn’t make them gay to use a toy, but I always taunt them it’s just a stepping stone to real dick in their future. It’s fun to humiliate them. Some I suppose really don’t want real cock, but it’s amusing to get them upset and tease them about it.

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The Allure of The Older Woman

There’s so many callers that appreciate older women. Thank God they aren’t all into teenyboppers and can appreciate a woman that has aged like fine wine. Many are into mommy, yes, that is common. Some have stories they had experiences with mommy. If they are true or not is anyone’s guess. The allure of the older woman captivates many men, and even older men will speak fondly of the older, more knowledgeable women in their past they encountered in their youth. The neighbor, the mom of the friend they used to have. They think about her and masturbate fantasizing about her to this day.

So many younger callers under thirty will have an attraction for an older lady they may know, but they are too shy to act on it and will never follow through. The lady may very well be flattered by their little crush. I’d certainly be flattered if a younger man paid me attention! It would be very good for the ego to think you’re desired and fantasized about by such a younger man. One can’t help but wonder about their young, hard cocks, their endless stamina compared to an older man, and how eager they are to learn from a patient older woman.

There’s no shortage of older ladies working as phone sex gals. MILF’s and GILF’s are plentiful. So if a younger man wants an older female to talk to or share his fantasies and thoughts and experiences with, there’s many to choose from. Many seem to want the approval of an older woman. Especially if they are involved in questionable activities. Mommy may have voiced her disapproval and therefore they seek the approval of another, older, more understanding female to in turn accept themselves and their sexual habits. Older women comforting men is as old as time, and quite natural a thing to seek out.

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Happy, Horny Halloween

It’s Halloween once more, and feeds the fantasies of many men that are into roleplay and various sexy costumes. Maybe after all the candy’s been given out you and your partner, should you be lucky enough to have one, could enjoy some naughtiness while dressed up as some fictional character and have a bit of fantasy and roleplay fun. It’s the only night of the year when anyone wearing a costume is not looked at oddly, so you might as well enjoy it. What man hasn’t had a naughty nurse fantasy and imagined that nurse giving him a thorough, full body exam, only to have her unzip her overly short uniform off and expose her overly large breasts, no bra on of course.

They would love to reach up and grope them and have her standing there wearing nothing but a nurses cap and maybe some stockings and a garter belt. No panties, just naked and willing to “extract their sperm sample.” The nurse could reach for the lube to stroke their cock with and of course soon be down on her knees and sucking that cock as she looks up into his eyes. What nurse doesn’t do this for all her “special patients.”

Maybe she’d slip that now hard, throbbing cock between her breasts and give them a titty fuck. They can then feel her skillful hands pumping her breasts up and down on their throbbing dick until they blow that load all over her tits and face. They do seem to enjoy giving ladies a facial and spraying her down with cum. Now if all visits to the doctor turned out like this, they’d be wanting to go for regular appointments! These are the sorts of fantasies and roleplays you could do with some particularly sexy Halloween costume. There’s no end to the possibilities, as long as your sex mate is willing to dress up and have some fun with you, the sky’s the limit.

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